Credits page - Because none of this could be possible without collaboration and all of the cool people I got to work with!

First off a massive shoutout to my players, of which this game would never exist. It would've been nothing more than a blog for stories without any objective gameplay. Y'all mean the world to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Next, I want to shout out the creator of Valora[DiOS] - Birdhouse Void - For getting me into unfiction in general. Plus I got to meet so many people that I now cherish as friends and players. Without you, I wouldn't even be in this community!!

Then, I want to shout out Dingus, aka Lockwhim, who creates PieWrites, Wickheck, and Jovian Cove, all games that shaped the way I look at unfiction. If it weren't for her for pushing me to make an ARG, none of this would've existed in the first place. In fact, I originally joined TWR because her characters were interacting with it too. It's wild how all of this works out, ain't it? I've been following her stuff for just over 3 years now (at the time of writing), so to call her an inspiration is a massive understatement. Play JovianCove by the way, it's incredible!

Also shoutouts to Lili Ardat (Relived Eternally), Austeria (Rhee's Rapture), and GP Reeds (Naomi Rim Access) for having amazing ARGs that I love playing in. They're also all just awesome people in this community.

One more shoutout to ARG Digest for being an indispensible resource in our small community. I had a small feature in there for DOAAC and a shared feature with Reverie for our Archival efforts, so yeah. Woo!

Some notable players, ones that I RP with often here and elsewhere, include:

If there's anyone I forgot, I apologize wholeheartedly, and I will add you. Just let me know.

Thank you for coming on this ride with me. You all mean a lot to me. I really really hope you enjoy what I got cooking.