Credits page - Because none of this could be possible without collaboration and all of the cool people I got to work with!

First off a massive shoutout to my players, of which this game would never exist. It would've been nothing more than a blog for stories without any objective gameplay. Y'all mean the world to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Next, I want to shout out the creator of Valora[DiOS] - Birdhouse Void - For getting me into unfiction in general. Plus I got to meet so many people that I now cherish as friends and players. Without you, I wouldn't even be in this community!!

Then, I want to shout out Dingus, aka LochlanNor, who creates PieWrites, Wickheck, and Jovian Cove, all games that shaped the way I look at unfiction. If it weren't for her for pushing me to make an ARG, none of this would've existed in the first place. In fact, I originally joined TWR because her characters were interacting with it too. It's wild how all of this works out, ain't it? I've been following her stuff for just over 3 years now (at the time of writing), so to call her an inspiration is a massive understatement. Play JovianCove by the way, it's incredible! You should also read WicketWoods even if I'm not part of it. It's good.

Also shoutouts to Lili Ardat (Relived Eternally), Austeria (Rhee's Rapture), and GP Reeds (Naomi Rim Access) for having amazing ARGs that I love playing in. They're also all just awesome people in this community.

One more shoutout to ARG Digest for being an indispensible resource in our small community. I had a small feature in there for DOAAC and a shared feature with Reverie for our Archival efforts, so yeah. Woo!

Some notable players, ones that I RP with often here and elsewhere, include:

If there's anyone I forgot, I apologize wholeheartedly, and I will add you. Just let me know.

Thank you for coming on this ride with me. You all mean a lot to me. I really really hope you enjoy what I got cooking.