At around 7pm on New Year’s Eve, Nova Square's Clock Tower is slowly getting decorated for its annual New Year’s Block Party. With people walking, drinking, and partying, the festive atmosphere is felt by everyone in the area. A timer above the clocktower is counting down to the new year at Midnight. Many stores in the Square are also having new year's sales because, of course, capitalism must reign supreme in a Magical parallel earth. A chill can be felt in the air, and a light dusting of snow fresh from the night before, coats the area in fluffy white. Luna and Hinata appear by one of the benches in the area. Hinata cannot help but groove a bit to the atmosphere and the music due to her innate abilities. Luna is playing something on her phone.
Patrice appears in a flash of electric blue light on a bench nearby, wearing a buttoned-up tan trench coat, with navy blue jeans and blue sneakers. A black fedora and dark glasses completes the ensemble. She stands up and walks over to Luna and Hinata, before tapping Hinata on the shoulder.
HInata is grooving and not paying attention. Upon feeling the tap, she jumps and nearly falls off the bench, "oh what the fuC-- oh! uh.. hi. Hello Patrice." It seems her reaction time is a lot slower than usual. Luna looks up with a tired smile, "hiiii."
Patrice pulls the glasses down a little, looking over the top of the glasses and grinning. "Hey y'all. I'm mighty tempted to do that again, that was hilarious."
Hinata, wearing her usual sunflower kimono and geta, sighs, stifles a yawn, and shakes her head, "sorry, I get jumpy sometimes." Luna seems to be relaxing on the bench just enjoying the chill in the air in her black hoodie and blue jeans.
"That's completely fine, Hinata." Patrice notices Hinata yawning. "Terribly sorry if I cut through y'all's siesta time or something of the type. Not my intention."
Hinata shakes her head, "oh no not at all. I've just been feeling more tired lately. Apologies." She doesn't seem to be her usual chipper warm-as-the-sun self.
Luna nods, "come to think about it, I've been feeling tired too lately. Maybe it's just on account of winter? Anyway, you said something about gifts? We have something for you too." She digs into her Portal Bag backpack to look for it. Considering the bag is on the ground, how far down she's digging appears to be under the concrete on the street. "Where the heck is it?"
Mrs. Patrice Kolt
Patrice looks at the backpack, eyebrows raised up quizzically. She shakes her head. "Y-yeah, I do bring a few things. Hold on..." Patrice puts her hand into the right pocket, looking for the small remote. The jingling-jangling of keys can be faintly heard.
Luna is still digging with most of her body sinking into the bag itself. It appears it could very easily hide someone. Hearing the keys causes her to tilt her head though and ask, "Hinata? You're taller than me, can you look?”
Hinata nods and takes a turn into the bag. A couple seconds later, she finds it near the very top. "Seriously Lu? You put her gift on top." She pulls out a yellow wrapped small box with white snowflakes polka-dotted all over it with purple ribbon and bow. A tag stating "For Patrice" is seen.
Luna blushes, "Ah... huh, yeah I guess I would've done that yeah." Hinata zips it all up.
"Aha!" Patrice pulls out a small remote with a single button. She presses it, and three boxes, one big and two small, appears on the bench where she was a few minutes ago, in the same electric blue light. The big box is wrapped in blue stripes, with a light blue bow on top. One of the other boxes is wrapped in black and red diamonds all over, while the other is wrapped in green dots on white. "I really should put the remote somewhere easier to find," she mutters under her breath.
Luna and Hinata's eyes both glow a more intense shade of their respective colors as they look genuinely impressed. At the same time, and with great frustration from the pair, they say, "Wow! Oh my Gods Above! That's amazin-- oh HELL NOT AGAIN???" They'll probably be trying to get out of their Syncs for a few moments. While in their frenzy, they hand Patrice her gift. Their voices echo while synced up like this.
Patrice accepts their gift. "Is there a way to, like, help y'all desync?"
When Patrice opens it, she finds a handmade necklace pendant made of a black leather cord and a raw purple amethyst crystal connected to it.
The pair continue to try and desync:
Luna: "Yeah I think so?"
Hinata: "Maybe! Oh we fixed it!"
They hug right after.
Patrice's eyes go wide. "Oh my!" She tries it on.
It fits her rather well, but it doesn't seem to have any magical power. Luna and Hinata then go to inspect the boxes Patrice brought
On the big box, a crescent is drawn using black marker. On the green-dotted present, a simple sun is drawn using red marker. The black-and-red present is, however, devoid of any such drawings.
Luna and Hinata notice the lack of tagging on the red and black, but also the drawn tags for the other two. With a nod and a smile, the pair rip into their respective gifts though curious what's in the red and black wrapped one.
Within Hinata's box is two letter bracelets. On one, her name runs through the entirety of the bracelet. If she were to count it, her name runs exactly six times. The other bracelet reads "Hinata, a great fighter, friend and many more." The dot at the end seems to be slightly raising against her finger as she traces over it. As Luna opens her gift, a purple cat jumps out of the box. It meows.
Hinata goes first and inspects the bracelets with a bright smile. The period at the end makes her think it's a button of some kind as she goes to press it.
Luna has backed up from the cat seeming scared of it, "Wh-- what is that?" Her eyes are filled with fear and are widened, "There' way. This is impossible." Luna's eyes seem to be almost scanning the purple cat as she backs up away from it. Other people in the street seem confused.
As Hinata presses the button, a piece plays. Even though it's only violin, it sounds rather intense. It turns off after about three minutes of play.
Patrice looks at Luna, concerned, "What's impossible, Lunes?"
In a rare uncertainty in her voice, Luna meekly responds, "that's... d-do you know what that is?" She looks to be on the verge of tears and her hands are on her head as she grips, kneeling on the ground. Hinata is next to Luna also unbelieving her own eyes at the cat.
The cat tilts its cute head and gently mews at Luna, possibly sensing her sadness.
"I can't say I'm too familiar with them, no." Patrice takes off her hat and fiddles with its brim nervously. "Did it bring up something?"
The cat carefully walks to Luna as she picks it up. Her eyes glow intensely, but genuine sadness is still paramount, "it... did yes. This is... similar to what I was meant to be, except an actual cat." While examining the living cat toy, she notices on its tag near its rear. The phrase on it reads:
NOVA HEART LUNA Project 3.0 - Meowmo
And she shows it to Patrice.
Hinata gives the toy a scritch behind its ears in a location that Luna is extremely weak to, which causes the toy to purr cutely and smile. “Hah! It even has your weaknesses Lu!”
Luna turns her head away from the display and mentions, “I’m.. still confused as to how they even managed to make these. I still don’t get my own existence, I swear.”
Patrice looks at the tag and furrows her eyebrows. "Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait... huh?!"
The cat falls asleep in Luna's arms and she can't help but pet it on the head. Her eyes appear unfocused while speaking, almost as if the Mental Lock isn't done breaking yet and she's disassociating from the pain. She manages to make it back to the bench before collapsing on the ground. Luna's voice is monotone while explaining, "It is exactly as I said. Had FMS's ambitions been completed without corruption or glitching from the original goal, the original Luna Project would've been something like this. My existence.. my... family." She's gone completely quiet. Hinata is next to her rubbing her shoulders trying to help with the pain.
Patrice sits down on the gift bench. She looks at the ground, her thoughts jumbled and tangled by the new development. After a few long minutes, she says out loud, "But what's the deviating factor?" in a frustrated voice. Her hands fidget with the hat almost unconsciously, only dimly aware by the feeling of fabric against her fingertips.
Hinata continues to rest with Luna and on hearing Patrice's words, she muses, "I mean. the original Luna Project isn't the only one to get completely screwed up. My plushie project got turned into glorified surveillance cameras with weapons. Jan's whole thing with being charitable became a push for domination. Phoebe... well she was a cult leader so-- you know, anything good that could have happened, that would've been fucked up. Hell, even the current Luna Project is getting messed up due to Catara wanting to make the LUNAs be combat droids. I don't intend to get into conspiracy theory, but it's almost like there's someone or something here that's ruining the world. A puppetmaster or something."
"I just. Don't see the motive." Luna mutters in that same blank voice.
As time passes in the Square, more and more people show up intending to celebrate the new year. Many people in green hoodies seem to be invading the general vicinity. The music gets a bit louder and the party starts getting more active, but it's not loud enough for it to hurt even for those with hypersensitive hearing. Hinata is silently grooving to the music with her head bobbing to the beat. Three hours remain until the new year.
Patrice eyes the green hoodies while continue fiddling with her hat. "I mean, the obvious one would be Daddy Dearest, but... that doesn't seem possible. Like, we are talking someone who's high-ranking enough on both sides of the aisle to pull both sides down. He just doesn't seem to quite fit the bill."
"High enough ranking? I mean... let's be honest here. There is someone or something above all of us. Something that connects everything. Something that we don't know the identity of. Do you know what that is?" Hinata mutters and looks to Patrice with piercing glowing green eyes, an intensity she's never seen before. "I just worry that. If it is that, that something terrible will happen."
"You may have to explain what that is, Hinata, 'cause I don't know what you're laying down just yet."
As Hinata goes to continue, Patrice notices the amount of green hoodies increase in the immediate vicinity. The music becomes much louder and with it an oddly sweet scent is in the air. Without missing a beat, Hinata mutters "The Many God--" and instantly passes out on the spot. Luna is still awake, but she seems to be fighting against whatever is happening. Her ears are closed against her skull and she growls out loud at the overwheming stress she's feeling. “FUCK! I CAN’T HOLD ON!!!”
The small purple cat growls as well and hops out of Luna’s lap.
Patrice lets out a sigh and quickly counts the green hoodies. "So much for a quiet New Year's Eve," she mutters, as she takes out a taser.
Upon finishing her count, she finds to be over a hundred of the green hoodies all closing in on the party. In front of the green hoodies is a single man in a white hoodie with a Nova Heart insignia on its front. With scars all over his face, facial scuff on his chin, and a domineering smirk, he is the face of Nova Heart Incorporated. Commander Spark Estelle is slowly making his way to his targets, hoping for an easy snatch.
Reaching the group, he scoffs and mutters, "Wow. I did not think you two would make it so easy. And who is this?"
Patrice puts her hat back on, "Now I do beg your pardon, darling, but I believe that's my question to ask? 'Cause, gosh by golly, you did just show up without preamble."
Spark pauses for a moment then softens up his demeanor. One of his rules is to always be courteous to new people, "Ah I apologize! My name is Spark Estelle, COMMANDER of Nova Heart Incorporated. This is MY city. My face is well known around these parts, thus you must be new. May I please have your name?" The green hoodies surround the group. The small toy cat is in an offensive stance looking like it's about to bite some other cat's head off like it's protecting the party. Luna and Hinata have both collapsed and are unconscious.
"And I believe those two are mine." He snaps his fingers as they both levitate off the ground in a dark green aura.
Patrice responds without hitch, "I am Teresa P. Kells. I would say nice to meet your acquaintance, darling, but you did just swoop in without warning, and that really just won't do. So how about both of us ease off the gas, and start from the top, hmm?"
Spark stares at Ms. Kells for a moment before snapping his fingers. His cultists all back up and give the group some space. Without a smile on his face, Spark falls for her bluff and asks, "I do apologize for the sudden intrusion. Fine. What do you want to know Ms. Kells? I'm all ears."
"Well, I have a few questions. Why the need for this many people? Far as I know, they-" Patrice points to Luna and Hinata currently floating in a dark green aura, "are just out here to enjoy the last few hours before the New Year. It's not like they're out here killing people, now, do they?"
The small cat growls at the cultists, causing many of them to wince. It's a toy, though. How bad could it be?
"This many people? This is my cult, my family, and just like the three of you, we were ALSO intending to enjoy the last few hours before the New Year. It's just.” He pauses and a wicked smile develops on his face, “When your main goals are realized, and what you need to achieve them are right there sitting pretty, you should absolutely take the chance. It is something I've learned long ago. And if you have no objections, we will be off." A couple of the cultists in the back seem to facepalm rather audibly. The scent in the air intensifies smelling like an overly sweet cotton candy. Whatever effects it could have don't affect Patrice at all, other than the stench being a bit much.
In the distance, Sol and Tsukuyomi are walking into the scene noticing the group of Nova Cultists surrounding something floating in dark green.
Patrice looks at Spark. "Now that does sound interesting, darling, but I have to object. Far as I see it, you came here, tried to kidnap two girls who are, by all accounts, looking mighty defenseless, and took off without people seeing, and that?” She takes a step forward, “That just won't do, darling. Now, you can explain to me exactly why you're trying this nonsense, or I reckon we're gonna have a problem."
The song playing on the speakers in the Square changes to Sleep Paralysis Demon by Ethan Bortnick and the intensity in the air increases dramatically. 1 hour remains until the New Year. The crowds become much bigger, now a combination of both cultists and normal partygoers. On the stage, someone is playing a live piano to the music. Sol and Tsukuyomi are watching over the argument ensuing, preparing to fight if need be.
Spark scoffs upon hearing Teresa's question, "Hah! You know nothing about these two women, Miss Kells. Their power, their incredible Magical Strength is necessary for our goals to succeed. Why do you think both Solaire and FMS kept trying to capture them as well? Especially the purple one. The yellow one is just a package deal! Her magic is vastly inferior, but together, they are a force to be reckoned with!"
The small toy cat is snarling at the cultists nearby and seems ready to pounce despite not having any claws as far as Patrice knows. Luna and Hinata are still knocked out in the bubble. And fighting through the crowd are a much older gentleman, one Patrice recognizes to be Jan and his somewhat chubby Asian wife Phoebe.
Patrice laughs. "OK, now I'm sure you're pulling me leg, darling. 'Magical Strength'?! Two defenceless girls being 'a force to be reckoned with'?! Next you'll be telling me that one of your little family here is secretly the Tooth Fairy in disguise. I mean, my god, if you have to make excuses, at least do it well." She notices Jan and Phoebe trying to get through the crowd, but files it away for later. She focuses back on Spark. "No, no, darling, tell me the real reason why you're trying to capture these girls. And try to keep it less fantastical this time, for both our sakes, please."
Taking the bait, hook, line, and sinker, Spark continues to explain, "Their strength lies within their souls. Did you genuinely think they gained souls naturally? They're artificial!" Spark laughs at Patrice's ignorance.
From the corner of her eye, Patrice notices many of the cultists getting knocked down and bloodied up much to, ironically enough, Spark's ignorance. It seems both Jan and Phoebe are making good progress to getting up front. The small Meowmo is guarding Luna and Hinata's bodies as well, snarling and growling at anyone who gets even remotely close to them. For such a small cat, it sounds almost like a lion’s roar.
Patrice raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'Their strength lies within their souls'? You mean strength of character? Because, and pardon me here, but I can see no way in hell you're meaning it literally. And if it's strength of character you're after, I'd say be curious, be creative, be honest, and all of that, but I am, like, 90% sure that you cannot extract strength of character from people."
Spark shakes his head at Ms. Kell’s lack of knowledge on the topic, "Someday, you'll learn just who these two you protect are. Goodbye Miss Kel--" Jan has finally made his way up in the crowd and has socked him in the face rather hard. The sheer impact from the punch causes his body to crumple up and smack his head on the hard pavement below. Phoebe accompanies him with some blood on her fists and a smug smile. The green jacketed cultists have all been knocked out with many of them bleeding from clawing marks on their bodies. Strange, considering neither Jan nor Phoebe have any weapons on hand. The small cat seems to have an almost smug smile on its cute kitty face. With Spark unconscious, the dark green aura holding Luna and Hinata hostage has dissipated. They are still unconscious, however.
Jan exhales and wipes his brow, "Ah, Patrice, fancy seeing you here. Are you quite alright?" Phoebe tilts her head, "You know this woman?" Jan nods, "Yes, I met her a few weeks ago in Solar District. Glad to know our Luna and Hinata have an ally such as her." Phoebe looks Patrice up and down then gives a gentle smirk, "well, nice to meet you. I'm Phoebe, Tsukuyomi of the former Full Moon Syndicate." Phoebe is a 5'4" somewhat chubby woman with greying formerly blond hair, simple burgandy lipstick, brown eyes, and a pair of square-framed glasses. Her black turtleneck sweater and light blue jeans completes her look.
She closes her eyes and take a few deep breaths, before smiling. "Hello Jan, and nice to meet you too, Phoebe. I saw you two earlier, but I thought you were just enjoying yourselves, and I cannot think of a way to alert you, so I'm kinda stuck against the wall for a good few minutes there. This, I owe you a lot."
With a rare smile, Phoebe nods, "Well, we noticed the volume of Nova Cultists in the area, and then we saw Spark and his dark green aura, so we had a feeling that something was up. Plus the Stardust scent was in the air, so it was either a Creature of Legend or Luna and Hinata. Either way, Jan wanted to save them."
Jan nods. "Right, we should probably skedaddle before they wake up. We only knocked them out temporarily. Mind coming with us to Fairview?"
"No, not at all. Though, if I may very quickly..." Patrice runs to the bench and picks up the black and red gift, then looks around for the brave little purple cat. The purple Meowmo is gently rubbing against Patrice's ankle as if saying, "I'm right here"
Hinata and Luna are still knocked out and are carried by Jan and Phoebe respectively. Jan announces, "Righto, if we have everything, let's head home." He makes a circle with his hands which opens a yellow and green portal in the air. "Please step in the portal Patrice, it's perfectly safe." Phoebe goes right in and disappears with Luna.
Patrice picks up the cat. "Great job," she whispers to the cat, before stepping through the portal.
Jan and Phoebe's house in the woods is a rather simple two story home with a couple garden gnomes out front, some basic Christmas decorations still outside, and a mailbox that rarely gets any use. In the backyard, and visible from the front, is a glass greenhouse that houses some plantlife, no doubt a project from someone who also lives here. Elara is chilling on the front steps watching the fireworks being shot off in the nearby city. Rebecca is standing in the doorway with a mug of coffee still steaming. A light layer of snow is on the ground.
A yellow and green portal appears in front of the house and Phoebe carrying Luna steps out to a confused and concerned Elara, "What-- what happened?" Phoebe mutters, "I'll tell you soon. We have company coming." With that, Phoebe and Jan take their creations inside to recover from the Stardust.
Rebecca tilts her head, "Damn it's an actual New Year's party. I guess.. This is what family is like?”
Elara shakes her head, "probably not the time for jokes. And what's that in your arms?" She points to the Meowmo.
Patrice gets out of the way so that Jan can carry Hinata inside. "It's a cat, Elara."
A few minutes later, January steps out and tells the group, "They should wake up soon. Again, thank you for keeping them safe Patrice. I worry what could happen if they got one or both of them into their clutches."
Elara gets up and pets the Meowmo and it meows cutely. "Awwwwwww---” She feels the faux fur and stitching on it and her expression turns to confusion, “oh my god it's a plus-- wait, hang on what the hell is this?" The Meowmo looks at her puzzled.
Rebecca is idly sipping her coffee while watching the conversation.
From the distance, the group can vaguely hear some cheering coming from the city. It appears to be nearly midnight and a party of some kind must be happening out there.
Patrice smiles, "It's the least I could do, Jan. Never leave your friends behind, that's what mom always said." Then she looks at Elara, “It’s a cat, no? Like Luna.”
Elara shakes her head and deeply yawns, "I- Ugh I'm too tired for this. If it's anything like Mr. Bunnykins, it's a bit more than just a cat plushie. It’s… kind of a huge deal. I’ll.. explain later.”
After a few minutes pass, Luna and Hinata walk out of the house though still looking exhausted. Luna asks with confusion, "Whoa... that's. Hi. uh. Where are we?"
Jan smiles when they step outside, "Fairview. We brought you home after Nova went after you. Sleep well?"
Hinata shakes her head, "I-- I'm not sure. Well uh thanks Patrice for everything."
"It's no problem, though it's really Jan and Phoebe you should thank. I'm just a filibusterer, running down the clock, all the while hoping against hope that someone would see the dire straits we were in." Patrice gently puts the cat down on the steps. "Were it not for them, I have no doubt us four would be carted away to who-knows-where after a foregone fight."
Luna and Hinata tiredly smile towards Jan and Phoebe in that case and say, "Thanks a bunch you three."
Jan nods, "Of course. You're my creation Hinata."
Phoebe smiles, "We're still not even Luna."
Luna giggles playfully, "I know, but still." Then she turns back to Patrice curiously, "so uh what was with the other gift?"
Patrice walks over to Luna and gives her the gift. "Why tell when you can see what it is for yourself?" she grins.
Luna and a tired Hinata sit on the steps and unwrap the final red and black gift with a smile. The rest of the group watches with curiosity. Elara continues to pet the Meowmo, almost seemingly becoming addicted to its touch. The cat leans into it and purrs cutely.
Inside are two ornate origami figurines, one in orange and one in purple. The purple one is holding a katana, while the orange one is holding two short swords. Under the figurines is a note. The two of them seem on the verge of tears from just how beautiful these are. They are so incredibly careful with handling them when Hinata notices the note at the bottom of the box. She reads it out loud.
The note reads:
"Call me perfectionistic, but I reckon this is the best I could have done. One very difficult thing about making the gifts, as opposed to buying them, is how much thought goes into each one. Gifts are sentimental, and the self-made ones even more so. As difficult as it is, though, I have to make it myself. Real, handmade things just hold so much more value than some random stuff off the shelf.
Now, I reckon I could have skipped all of this, and save myself the trouble. Even then, I cannot, in good conscience, do it. Troublesome though it is, it is worth every moment, just for a bit of joy in your eyes."
After they finish reading, they both look at Patrice with the most joyous expressions she's ever seen from them. If the clouds were cloudy and grey for them previously, in this moment, the clouds have parted and sheer happiness has taken over. Luna smiles brightly and cheers, "omg this is amazing! Thank you!"
Hinata does as well, "This is so incredible, thank you so much for the amazing gifts!"
From the distance, the group can all hear counting down and on one, an eruption of applause, cheering, and a lot more fireworks. It's officially Midnight in Fairview. Tsukuyomi, Sol, and Elara all cheer, "Happy new year!"
Patrice smiles warmly. Despite the scare earlier, it is right now, as the new year knocks on Fairview's door, seeing everyone happy, Luna and Hinata especially, that Patrice allows herself to crack a smile of genuine joy. "Happy new year," she says quietly as she memorizes the scene before her.
The group of perfect strangers, for how chaotic their lives once were, closely resembles a family. Everyone is cheering and hugging each other, happy tears are being shed. And the three animal women, including Elara with her floppy electric blue rabbit ears out, nearly at the same time all yawn.
Elara announces, "Think I'm gonna go to bed. Happy birthday Hinata. Good night y'all." before waving and returning inside. Luna and Hinata look rather tired themselves as Luna says, "I think we're gonna head back to our house. Good night Patrice, and thank you for everything!" Hinata waves as well, though something about her smile looks more wistful than happy. Luna and Hinata then disappear.
Patrice smiles and tips her hat before disappearing in a flash of electric blue.