Toby - Hey Luna? Are you hanging in there okay?

Luna - Yeah? Gods it's so weird hearing you in my mind. You'd think I'd be used to having voices but no. You never... get used to it.

Toby - Wh- We're not voices Luna. You're hearing our voices through our text.

Luna - ...yeah

Toby - Erm. I did some research on some things concerning Catara if you'd like to hear it?

Luna - Honestly? no, I'd rather not. If my friends want to hear it, then that's fine. But I personally could not care less what LUNA projects they're doing at Nova. I've been put through hell in these past 36 and a half years now. All because I was given some power that I never asked for. I just want to live with my girlfriend, my other girlfriend, the girlfriend who died who's still in my mind rent-free, my soul AIs, and my friends without being snatched for some power I don't even want! I'm grateful to be magical! I really am, but why couldn't I just be given the two Magicks every non-NORMIE gets??? I just had to be a vessel for mana.

Toby - Valid. Right urgh. I'll leave you be then. Apologies.

Luna -… just had to hit my innate curiosity. Yes, has it killed me in the past? Three times! Technically two, but we don't talk about May 17, 2022. That day was fucking awful. Hell that whole week sucked. The 17th was the icing on the shit cake!

Toby - Okay now I'm curious. What the hell happened?

Luna - Ugh. I’ll give you the short version. I was constantly attacked nonstop for the entire week. I was silenced for a whole day and couldn't use any of my Magicks. I witnessed the death of a deer God. Some bitch spammed anime gifs at me while acting like a fucking buffoon all because an evil demon king from another world decided “you know what? Boom you’re evil now get fucked.” And that leads us to the 17th where I was killed nearly first thing in the morning, first death by the way, attacked twice more, chased by a monster in some hall, forced to climb a glacier that was upside down - I still don’t know what the fuck that was about??? - And then the evening happened where Cole caused my second death! And then I revived a second time where the fucking SLENDERMAN of all Gods Forsaken Things forced me to solve a low-quality escape room to leave. And with all of that bullshit, these... like alien things called 'Naomis' were also involved. I.. my memory isn’t great from those days, but that’s something that will NEVER leave my mind. I survived 34 years of my GODS DAMNED LIFE only to lose two lives that day. I don’t fucking miss Meridian! Not one little bit.

ALAIS - It was also my birthday. Literally. The day I was no longer dormant within your mind.

Luna - ok that's true i suppose.

ALAIS - Thus, I celebrate my birthday that day. Unfortunately, that day, May 17, 2022, is a day we will never forget. Finer details may be rather hazy, but the fact of the matter sustains. It activated your Ninth Nocturne. It activated me. I have purpose because of all of that.

Luna - [Luna sobs from behind her computer monitor but quickly dries her tears] Fine. Sorry Ally. I love you.

ALAIS - Love you too Luna. And you’re fine.

Toby - Fuck. That’s.. That’s heavy as hell. I’m so sorry Luna. Anyway, allow me to speak, I’ll be quick. Catara. LUNA Project 3.0. I don't have much information, but I can confirm this is NOVA's attempt at the Lunar Ultimate Nekomimi Animaldroids, i.e. Completely made of metal, no flesh or blood. It is pure machine.

Luna - they changed the fucking acronym again but kept the name. Why are people in this world so fucking useless when it comes to originality???

Toby - Hah! Unfortunately, you’re correct.
FMS's LUNA 1.0 are the Lifelike Ultra-obedient Nekomimi Automotons
Solaire's LUNA 2.0 are the Lifelike Ultra-obedient Nu-Humanoid Animalbots
And now NOVA'S 3.0 are the Lunar Ultimate Nekomimi Animaldroids.

It's a genuine pain in the ass, but you can easily just call them LUNA V1.0, V2.0, and V3.0 to keep things simple.
Luna is a V1.0, technically alphaprototype v0.01α . The ones created after her but before Hinata were the true V1.0s. None of those exist anymore. Hinata is a V2.0. The big difference here is in build, plus Jan apparently wanted to make them dogs instead of cats. I don’t get it. Catara and Elara are both 3.0

Luna- ...but that makes no sense. Elara was born 10 years after me.

Toby - I don't know either.

Luna - Plus she was actually BORN not CREATED. There’s a massive difference here! Plus nekomimi??? She’s a lop-eared bunny/elf mashup!

Toby - I'm sorry, that's as far as my knowledge goes. Elara is classified as a 3.0 model according to Lunar District Adventurer’s Guild’s Robotics database. It does not make sense. Speaking of, have you heard from her lately?

Luna - Uhm. No? I assumed she was just busy with shit.