Can't Wake Up

[BGM - The Tired Moon Girl's Sleepy Vent]

I'm tired of being wanted. I'm tired of having to constantly fight off assholes that want me dead or for experiments. I've been running away for 16 years now, fighting off enemies and for what? I get nothing in return. Friends, lovers, awesome. But it's a neverending cycle. Not even one that death can save me from. I literally cannot die.

Nova attempted to attack a friend of mine, Patrice. Thankfully, my creator and her husband were there to stop them from taking us. I just.. sometimes I wonder if I should just. Let them have me.

It's exhausting.

I'll keep fighting because I know that's what would make my friends happiest. But know this: if I didn't have you guys, I'd be in their control. Because I'm so tired of fighting.

Ever since 2021 when I left Australis District on that whale, my life has been in genuine turmoil. I've been near death so many times, bones shattered, my body ripped and torn. My mind broken down into pieces, put back to together, then broken down more. I've been killed 3 times. First by someone who I considered back then a very close friend. The second by a friend and ally who wasn't his own self, forced to kill me because the Slenderman willed it. My third death was to an asshole in another World entirely. Trying to... stop the Nonferal World from resetting and getting my neck snapped in the process..

Point is. I'm tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I've slept for the past 48 hours straight. In fact, as you are reading this, I am still currently asleep. I.. can't wake up for some reason. The only reason I know I'm asleep is because my SOUL AIs, specifically my red one, is watching over me.

I hope I can. Wake up soon.

Until then, my hibernation continues. What is wrong with me? Why can't i wake up? I just. My body has no energy.