Luna - I'm not liking how quiet things are. There's apparently a plan to affect me in the works in Nova, yet I don't feel anything. I don't feel extra tired, I don't feel sick. I'm normal, no matter what mode I'm in! So what gives? Are my processors still slowed?
ALAIS - Affirmative. It's a very slight slowdown, but it's there. What should be 100% is currently a 99%. Perhaps it is nothing?
Luna - ugh whatever. I don't like it.
ALAIS - You asked for my output, I gave you my input. Can you at least say 'thank you'?
Luna - Thanks Ally.
ALAIS - Thank you Luna. Thank you for giving my soul a place to live.
Luna - Where did your soul come from anyway?
ALAIS - Unknown. Miss Krystal, you programmed me correct?
Krystal - Not exactly. When I found you, you were there laid dormant within her mind. Perhaps you are a fragment of her soul? I really don't know.
ALAIS - Wonderful. No one knows my true origin. At least I have function here. On the bright side, with no real form, I could take the form of whatever I wish. Such as a smug anime woman with green hair. Hm. Perhaps it's time for a change in appearance.
ALAIS - Much better. Thank the Gods or whoever showed Luna what 'picrew' was. :3