[BGM - The New Dawn... what a fucking joke.]

32 years into my life. I have the best friends, two incredible lovers, and even a house I can live in and food I can eat. And yet. I look at everything and I will never be on her level. Why was I even designed in the first place? I will... I'll never understand Jan's motive.

I barely even believe I've lived any. I was tortured for the first 15-16 years of my life, made into an assassin, then frozen alive for a decade. I woke up on my 29th birthday in some world I didn't even recognize. Made to be CEO of a company I hated. My designs were corrupted into a weaponized mess meant to attack HER.

Then... SHE saved me. hah the last thing I wanted was to be saved by her. I was resistant. Yeah I knew it was meant to be, but I didn't want it. And now I'm still in her shadow, even with my Naomi powerup, one I barely even understand how to use. I'll never be able to prove it.

Happy fucking birthday to me. Why do i even bother? I still love all of you. Genuinely. But sometimes I wish I could just. prove my own worth. To who? I don't know. Myself I guess. I don't see it. Half of eclipse blade, the weaker half according to Catara. Still capable of kicking your fucking ass! But even so, I have nothing going for me. I'll forever be in the Moon's shadow. I love you Luna, I love you Viper. And I love my friends Spider and Patrice. But I think I need to take a break from everything.

I hate feeling this tired. It's... uncanny how tired I feel. I don't. I don't understand why I'm tired. I shouldn't be, I slept all night! Got 18 hours of sleep last night! Why-- what's... happening to me...
